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Schreiber, Katrina E.


Manager, Research Administration
Liaison, Board of Directors

Katrina Schreiber, a fourth generation San Diego native, graduated from La Jolla High School and after studying abroad for a time started her career in research in 2001 with The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI).  She supported David Cheresh, Ph.D., and Richard Klemke, Ph.D., (both currently holding positions at UC San Diego) in the Department of Immunology and Microbial Science. After Profs. Cheresh and Klemke relocated their labs to UCSD, Katrina stayed with TSRI and began supporting Ulla Knaus, Ph.D. (who later relocated her Lab to Ireland).

During her time with TSRI, Katrina supported many departmental seminars and held training sessions on grant/manuscript submissions, Photoshop and Powerpoint for postdoc and grad students. In addition she developed and maintained three laboratory websites.

In 2008, Katrina was given the opportunity to move to the Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) as the Executive Assistant to the Director and Chief Academic Officer, Eric Topol, M.D.  In her new role with Scripps Health, Katrina quickly became the point of contact for the department with regards to grant applications and manuscript preparation and acted as the liaison for the five Advisory Boards affiliated with STSI and the internal pilot award program.

In supporting Dr. Topol, Katrina has expanded her expertise with web development, board support, meeting preparation and technical correspondence and has become the point person for media and marketing relations.

She continued to expand her position achieving a supervisor role in 2010 overseeing the administrative core with Michael Alcorn (Senior Administrative Director, STSI) and then moving into a management role in 2012.

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