Scripps Translational Science Institute
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- Barrett TB, Emberton JE, Nievergelt CM, Liang SG, Hauger RL, Eskin E, Schork NJ, Kelsoe JR. Further evidence for association of GRK3 to bipolar disorder suggests a second disease mutation. Psychiatric Genetics 6:315-22, 2007.
- Bhatt DL, Chew DP, Grines C, Mukherjee D, Leesar M, Gilchrist IC, Corbelli JC, Blankenship JC, Eres A, Steinhubl S, Tan WA, Resar JR, AlMahameed A, Abdel-Latif A, Tang WH, Brennan D, McErlean E, Hazen SL, Topol EJ. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ agonists for the Prevention of Adverse events following percutaneous coronary Revascularization–results of the PPAR Study. American Heart Journal 154:137-43, 2007
- Bhattacharyya T, Nicholls, SJ, Topol EJ, Zhang R, Yang X, Allayee H, Schmitt D, Fu X, Shao M, Brennan DM, Ellis SG, Brennan ML, Lusis AJ, Hazen SL. Relationship of paraoxonase (PON1) gene polymorphisms and functional activity with systemic oxidative stress and cardiovascular risk. Journal of the American Medical Association. 299(11):1265-76, 2008
- Bhatnagar V, O’Connor DT, Schork NJ, Salem RM, Nievergelt CM, Rana BK, Smith DW, Bakris GL, Middleton JP, Norris KC, Wright JT, Cheek D, Hiremath L, Contreras G, Apple LJ, Lipkowitz MS. Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism predicts the time-course of blood pressure response to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition in the AASK trial. Journal of Hypertension 25: 2082-2092, 2007
- Brener SJ, Steinhubl SR, Berger PB, Brennan DM, Topol EJ, Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention reduces ischemic events without affecting the need for repeat revascularization. J Invasive Cardiology 19:287-290, 2007
- Damani SB, Topol EJ. Future use of genomics in coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 13;50(20):1933-40, 2007
- Eberle MA, Ng PC, Kuhn K, Zhou L, Peiffer DA, Galver L, Viaud-Martinez KA, Taylor C, Gunderson KL, Shen R, Murray SS. Power to Detect Risk Alleles Using Genome-Wide Tag SNP Panels. PLoS Genetics, 3:1827-37, 2007
- Elias DJ, Topol EJ. Warfarin Pharmacogenomics: A big step forward for individualized medicine: enlightened dosing of warfarin. Eur J Hum Genet. 16(5):532-4, 2008.
- Ellis SG, Penn MS, Bolwell B, Garcia M, Chacko M, Wang T, Brezina KJ, McConnell G, Topol EJ. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor in patients with large acute myocardial infarction” results of a pilot dose-escalation randomized trial. American Heart Journal 152:e9-e14, 2006.
- Ellis SG, Tendera M, Belder MA, Boven AJ, Widimsky P, Janssens L, Andersen HR, Betriu A, Savonitto S, Adamus J, Peruga JZ, Kosmider M, Katz O, Neutenufl T, Jorgova J, Dorobantu M, Grinfeld L, Armstrong P, Brodie BR, Herrmann HC, Montalescot G, Neumann FJ, Effron MB, Barnathan ES,Topol EJ, Finesse Investigators. 90-day Results of the Randomized Facilitated Intervention with Enhanced Reperfusion Speed to Stop Events (FINESSE) Trial. New England Journal of Medicine, 2008, in press.
- Frazer KA, Eskin E, Kang HM, Bogue MA, Hinds DA, Beilharz EJ, Gupta RV, Montgomery J, Morenzoni MM, Nilsen GB, Pethiyagoda CL, Stuve LL, Johnson FM, Daly MJ, Wade CM, Cox DR. A sequence-based variation map of 8.27 million SNPs in inbred mouse strains. Nature 448(7157):1050-3, 2007.
- Greenhall JA, Zapala MA, Cáceres M, Libiger O, Barlow C, Schork NJ, Lockhart DJ. Detecting genetic variation in microarray expression data. Genome Res. 17(8):1228-35, 2007.
- Libiger O, Schork NJ. A simulation-based analysis of chromosome segment sharing among a group of arbitrarily related individuals. Eur J Hum Genet. 15(12):1260-8, 2007.
- Luke MM, Kane JP, Liu DM, Rowland CM, Shiffman D, Cassano J, Catanese JJ, Pullinger CR, Leong DU, Arellano AR, Tong CH, Movsesyan I, Naya-Vigne J, Noordhof C, Feric NT, Malloy MJ, Topol EJ, Koschinsky ML, Devlin JJ, Ellis SG. Polymorphism in the Protease-like Domain of Apolipoprotein(a) is Associated with Severe Coronary Artery Disease. Art Throm Vasc Biol 27:2030-6, 2007.
- Luo AK, Jefferson BK, Garcia MJ, Ginsburg GS, Topol EJ. Challenges in the phenotypic characterization of patients in genetic studies of coronary artery disease. Journal of Medical Genetics, 44:161-5, 2007.
- Malo N, Libiger O, Schork NJ. Accommodating linkage disequilibrium in genetic-association analyses via ridge regression. Am J Hum Genet. 82(2):375-85, 2008.
- Matise TC, Chen F, Chen W, De La Vega FM, Hansen M, He C, Hyland FC, Kennedy GC, Kong X, Murray SS, Ziegle JS, Stewart WC, Buyske S. A second-generation combined linkage physical map of the human genome. Genome Research. 17:1783-6, 2007.
- Nievergelt CM, Libiger O, Schork NJ. Generalized analysis of molecular variance. PLOS Genetics 3(4): e51. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030051, 2007.
- Paschou P, Drineas P, Lewis J, Nievergelt CM, Nickerson DA, Smith JD, Ridker PM, Chasman RM, Ziv E. Tracing sub-structure in the European American population with PCA-informative markers. PLOS Genetics, 2008 (in press).
- Patay BA, Topol EJ. Is there a genetic basis for acute coronary syndrome? Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med. 4(11):596-7, 2007.
- Pollard KS, Serre D, Wang X, Tao H, Grundberg E, Hudson TJ, Clark AG, Frazer KA genome-wide approach to identifying novel-imprinted genes. Hum Genet. 122(6):625-34, 2008.
- Sabeti et al. (Murray SS). Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations. Nature. 449:913-918, 2007.
- Saw J, Brennan DM, Steinhubl SR, Bhatt DL, Mak KH, Fox KA, Topol EJ. Lack of Evidence of a clopidogrel – statin interaction in the CHARISMA Trial, J Am College of Cardiology 50:291-5, 2007.
- Schork NJ, Wessel J, Malo N. DNA sequence-based phenotypic association analysis. Adv Genet. 60:195-217, 2008.
- Seidelmann SB, Li L, Shen GQ, Topol EJ, Wang QK. Identification of a novel locus for triglyceride on chromosome 1p31-32 in families with premature CAD and MI. J Lipid Res. 49(5):1034-1038 2008.
- Shen GQ, Li L, Girelli D,. Seidelmann SB, Rao S, Fan C, Park JE, Xi Q,Li, J ,Hu J, Olivieri O, Marchant K, Barnard J,Corrocher R, Elston R, Cassano J, Henderson S, Hazen SL, Plow EF, Topol EJ, Wang QK. An LRP8 variant Is associated with familial and premature coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction, American Journal of Human Genetics, 81(4):780-91, 2007.
- The International HapMap Consortium (Frazer KA, Murray SS). A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs. Nature. 449:851-61, 2007.
- Tang WH, Steinhubl SR, Van Lente F, Brennan D, McErlean E, Maroo A, Francis GS, Topol EJ. Risk stratification for patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention using N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide: A Clopidogrel for the Reduction of Events During Observation (CREDO) Sub-Study. American Heart Journal 153:36-41, 2007.
- Tao H, Berno, AJ, Cox DR, Frazer KA. In vitro Human Keratinocyte Migration Rates are Associated with SNPs in the KRT1 interval. PLoS ONE 2007.
- Topol EJ, Murray SS, Frazer KA. The genomics gold rush. JAMA, 298:218-221, 2007.
- Topol EJ, Frazer KA, The resquencing imperative. Nature Genetics,39:439-440, 2007.
- Torkamani A, Schork NJ. Distribution analysis of nonsynonymous polymorphisms within the human kinase gene family. Genomics. 90(1):49-58, 2007a.
- Torkamani A, Schork NJ. Accurate prediction of deleterious protein kinase polymorphisms. Bioinformatics. 23(21):2918-25, 2007b.
- Torkamani A, Schork NJ. Prediction of cancer driver mutations in protein kinases. Cancer Res. 68(6):1675-82, 2008.
- Wang TH, Bhatt DL, Fox KAA, Steinhubl SR, Brennan DM, Hacke W, Mak KH, Pearson TA, Boden WE,Steg PG,Flather MD, Montalescot G, Topol EJ. An analysis of mortality rates with dual antiplatelet therapy in the primary prevention population of the CHARISMA Trial, European Heart Journal, 28(18):2200-7, 2007.
- Wessel J, Zapala MA, Schork NJ. Accommodating pathway information in expression quantitative trait locus analysis. Genomics. 90(1):132-42, 2007.