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Dr. Topol & President Bill Clinton to speak at HIMSS 2013

Feb 21, 2013

Dr. Topol will be among distinguished company at this year’s HIMSS conference in New Orleans. Each day from Monday March 4th through Thursday March 7th you will hear from President Bill Clinton, Karl Rove, James Carville, Farzad Mostashari and Warner Thomas, among many other distinguished speakers.

Dr. Topol Shares Latest Healthcare Innovations at HIMSS13
January 23, 2013 |

A recent infographic looked at the digitization of the healthcare experience through mobile devices and projected an adoption of:

30% wellness-app use among smartphone users by 2015
4.9 million home patient monitoring systems by 2016

Seems hopeful, right?
Yet, the graphic also depicted a number of barriers to digitizing the patient – both systemic and regulatory in nature: priorities, knowledge, policy, cost effectiveness, legal, operation cost, demand, technical expertise and infrastructure.

Additionally, tech-savvy and disruptive physician Eric Topol anticipates a shift in the empowerment of the digital patient. In a recent interview with the Atlantic, he said:

“I think the consumer-savvy base is waking up. There is a reset here. The digitization of human beings will make a parody out of doctor knows best. We need partnerships. We need physicians working with and guiding individuals. Each individual will have a much more precise view of himself or herself biologically, physiologically, anatomically, to work in partnership with physicians.”

At HIMSS13, Dr. Topol is expected to offer his perspectives on the digital technology revolution and its application for improving healthcare during the Keynote Address on Wednesday, March 5. He will offer also insights on the latest innovations influencing the practice of medicine and the changing physician-patient relationship.

As a precursor to his HIMSS13 Keynote address, Dr. Topol led a HIMSS webinar on Nov. 28. He discussed the necessary pieces patients and clinicians will have to put collaboratively in place for a more disruptive use of technology in healthcare. Access this session on-demand and get ready for conference.