STSI drives the integration of genomics into the realm of personalized medicine by providing key services via our Core Laboratories, by supporting the Scripps Genomic Medicine projects, by leading the Scripps Genomic Health Initiative, and by initiating with partners in industry, academia, and health to improve patient access to the best medical research available.
Human660W-Quad beadchip kits
Human1M-Duo beadchip kits
HumanOmni-1 Quad beadchip kits
HumanCytoSNP-12 beadchip kits
STSI’s biostatistics expertise and research capabilities include:
Rigorous and comprehensive computational and data analysis strategies and resources characterize the research programs.
In addition to our on-site resources, STSI researchers are able to take advantage of the exceptional storage and computing facilities of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and the computing cluster of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI). SDSC, a world leader in high performance computing, has developed specific computational resources and research capacity for “omically’-oriented translational research.
The CTSA Pharmaceutical Assets Portal invites you to join in the effort to find new uses for discontinued drugs.
The Portal members are given an unprecedented opportunity to collaborate with Pfizer Indications Discovery Unit, a division of Pfizer vested with finding new uses for old drugs.
In addition to the compounds that you may be aware of from publically-available sources, Pfizer is also encouraging inquiries about the existence/availability of little known Pfizer compounds that target specific mechanisms in which you may have an interest. We call these “unknown” assets “Dream Compounds”.
The ultimate goal is to leverage existing compounds to advance mechanistic understanding of human disease, resulting in novel treatments for patients. Integration of academic investigators into collaborative repositioning efforts with Pfizer would substantially increase the knowledge base and the pool of methodologies available for proof of concept studies. These matches will undoubtedly result in an increased number of approved drugs for new indications and considerable public benefit. Membership in the Portal is free for CTSA researchers (which includes TSRI, SH and any additional STSI Consortium Members).Visit their website for more information and to register: CTSA Pharmaceutical Assets Portal