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The following six software and data analysis programs, which apply powerful multivariate statistical methods to investigations of genetic variation and heritable contributors to disease development and disease resistance, are available to the scientific community, including researchers not affiliated with the Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI). These tools were developed by STSI bioinformatics researchers.
To obtain more information about these tools or other STSI resources available to the scientific community, please use the online form in the Infrastructure section of this website.
Software and data analysis programs available to the scientific community include:
Multivariate Distance Matrix Regression (MDMR)
Single nucleotide polymorphism identification from population sequence (SNIP-Seq)
HapCUT for Next-generation sequence data (HapCUT)
Comprehensive Read Analysis for Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (CRISP)
Multivariate Association Mapping Algorithms (MAMA)
SNP-Expectation Maximization (SNPEM)